(* ---------------- SPRINTAT.INC --------------------- *) (* Include-File fuer SPRINTAT(x,y,font,heading,text) *) (* schreibt in Spiegelschrift *) (* Benoetigt das Include-File KERNEL.INC... *) procedure sprintat (x, y, font, heading: integer; text: Strg_90); var l : integer; k, i, j : byte; Matrix : array(.0..7.) of byte absolute $F477; Raster : array(.0..7.) of byte; CStart : integer absolute $F489; ZStart : integer absolute $F472; Zeichen : char; procedure Get_Matrix; BEGIN for k:=0 to 7 do BEGIN Raster(.k.):=Matrix(.k.); Matrix(.k.):=0; END; END; BEGIN for l:=1 to length(text) do BEGIN Zeichen:=text(.l.); CStart:=(ord(Zeichen)*8)+$B800; GX_Get; case font of 1 : for i:=0 to 7 do (* schmal *) BEGIN Raster(.i.):=Matrix(.i.) shr 1; Matrix(.i.):=Matrix(.i.) and Raster(.i.); END; 2 : for i:=0 to 7 do (* fett *) BEGIN Raster(.i.):=Matrix(.i.) shr 1; Matrix(.i.):=Matrix(.i.) or Raster(.i.); END; 3 : for i:=0 to 7 do Matrix(.i.):=not Matrix(.i.); (* invers *) 4 : BEGIN (* kursiv *) Matrix(.0.):=Matrix(.0.) shr 2; Matrix(.1.):=Matrix(.1.) shr 1; Matrix(.2.):=Matrix(.2.) shr 1; Matrix(.5.):=Matrix(.5.) shl 1; Matrix(.6.):=Matrix(.6.) shl 1; Matrix(.7.):=Matrix(.7.) shl 2; END; END; case heading of 0 : BEGIN Get_Matrix; for i:=0 to 7 do for j:=0 to 7 do if (Raster(.i.) and (1 shl (7-j)))<>0 then Matrix(.i.):=Matrix(.i.) or (1 shl j); END; 1 : BEGIN Get_Matrix; for i:=0 to 7 do for j:=0 to 7 do if (Raster(.j.) and (1 shl i))<>0 then Matrix(.i.):=Matrix(.i.) or (1 shl j); END; 2 : BEGIN Get_Matrix; for i:=0 to 7 do for j:=0 to 7 do if (Raster(.7-i.) and (1 shl j))<>0 then Matrix(.i.):=Matrix(.i.) or (1 shl j); END; 3 : BEGIN Get_Matrix; for i:=0 to 7 do for j:=0 to 7 do if (Raster(.7-j.) and (1 shl (7-i)))<>0 then Matrix(.i.):=Matrix(.i.) or (1 shl j); END; END; ZStart:=$B800; GX_Symb; case heading of 0 : BEGIN gotoxy(x+(length(Text)-pred(l)),y); write(#27,#0); END; 1 : BEGIN gotoxy(x,y+(length(Text)-pred(l))); write(#27,#0) END; 2 : BEGIN gotoxy(x-(length(Text)-pred(l)),y); write(#27,#0) END; 3 : BEGIN gotoxy(x,y-(length(Text)-pred(l))); write(#27,#0) END; END; END; END; (* ---------------------- Ende von SPRINTAT.INC ---------------------- *)